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Jamal Gardiner

Developer, content creator and a learner of all things. Welcome to my website where I keep all of my thoughts and opinions. Check back every once in a while to witness one mans quest to over engineer a website.
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Recent Posts

Golang Partial Update In Mongo

Partially update a record in mongoDB with golangJune 8, 20222 min read

Setting Up React-Native on Windows with Windows Subsystem For Linux and Windows Subsystem for Android

Setting up react-native on wsl2 to use windows subsystem for android was a huge pain in the ass for me and I'm hoping that this can help other people.May 13, 20222 min read

Persistent Ankle Issues From Running

I started running about three months ago using the couch to 5k program I found online. At first everything was fine, but towards week five it demanded that I ran 2 miles in 20 minutes.April 13, 20222 min read